acupuncture and herbal medicine

Acupuncture has been used for centuries to create wellness and healing.

It’s a complex system of meridians and points that regulate the flow of energy throughout your body. By inserting thin needles at particular points on these meridians it stimulates the body’s own innate healing.

While each person experiences acupuncture differently, most people feel only a minimal amount of sensation as the needles are inserted.

There are points on your body that are known to strengthen immunity and help keep your energy system in balance. Inserting the needles into these points is like putting numbers into a key pad that unlocks your door, they open the door to wellness and healing.

Herbal formulas are internal medicince given to help facilitate healing for various condiitons. They can be formulated to strengthen immunity, build blood, speed healing, stop pain, improve digestion, reduce anxiety and so much more.